
Author Archives: waqar

Khajoor Benefits

Buy Premium Quality Khajoor Dates in Pakistan

Date, also known as khajoor in Pakistan, is an antique fruit native to Iraq. But the desserts of Arab, the Middle East, South Asia, and even the modern world of Spain also grow date palms. Khajoor is one of those fruits that extensively covers the areas of ancient diets in history. Be it religious aspect, […]


buy chilgoza in Pakistan online

Pine nuts, commonly known as chilgoza in Pakistan, are edible seeds of pine. Chilgoza is a shelled nut that people consume in various ways, i.e., raw or roasted. Its benefits are bound not only to the human diet but also to animal food for squirrels, chipmunks, black dears, etc. Pakistanis are food lovers and take […]

The Three Most Delicious Walnut Snacks You Can Try At Home!

Buy sabit akhrot walnuts in Pakistan

It’s time to say bye to unhealthy fatty meals and unhygienic junk food. Adorn your meal table with the most mouth-watering and healthy snacks and keep your stomach pleased. No canned food can replace the homemade organic snacks both in flavor and quality. Make your route to the heart of your special ones via the […]

A lifelong healthy heart | 3 secrets you never knew

The top 3 healthful nutsfor your heart

Everyone craves for healthy nerves and a competent physique to fight the daily challenges of life with enthusiasm. The happier the body, the more joyful the life. Spice up your life with a touch of joy, courage, resilience, and unyielding willpower by strengthening your heart and mind—the more affluent the powerhouse, the more production of […]

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